Thursday, February 14, 2019

(NSFW) Foot Fetish - Vol. 1: A Valentine's Day Comedy Album of One Minute Tracks

WARNING: Put on your headphones before playing our podcasts. 

A Valentine's Day Comedy Album of One Minute Tracks

By no stretch of my imagination did I ever believe I would be doing this but I'm going with it because I'm having fun and it's my God given right to do and say whatever I please.  I tend to surround myself with women who do the same. Of course, along came Stacy. One of my greatest friends.

And it's led to the release of this new album. Our second.

Stacy and I put out our first album about a week ago...


Based on a special request on the topic of foot fetish, Stacy and I produced these one minute tracks for your listening pleasure.

What is Beryl? From Hidden Gem to Category 5 Hurricane

(HEIGHTSTONIAN) -- When you search beryl today, you'll likely find out about something very calm and captivating or something about Hurr...