Thursday, July 20, 2023

I donated blood LIVE on TV today

HEIGHTSTONIAN HERE... If you know me, you know I rarely discuss my battle with breast cancer almost 10 years ago. It's even rarer for me to talk about it with anyone, much less in public and on camera. Today I did both at my station for others in need of blood like I did then. 

If you know me, you know I'm a pretty good producer do timing this for a LIVE look also took some work. I also made that happen for our reporter to get the word out. Hope it helps! 

Here's a look... 

Our reporter Seth also mentioned me in when he was donating blood...

If you donate blood regularly, thank you. Thank you so very super much!! 

What is Beryl? From Hidden Gem to Category 5 Hurricane

(HEIGHTSTONIAN) -- When you search beryl today, you'll likely find out about something very calm and captivating or something about Hurr...